Clustered file systems have been used by enterprises for decades. Their utility in storing data across multiple servers, while being accessed and scaled as a single unit has ensured longevity. However, as the total amount of data in these systems continues to grow, third party vendor services are continually introduced to make the data in these file systems manageable. Ballooning data scales in concert with ‘scale-based’ vendor pricing impose significant challenges for businesses looking to innovate and make data driven decisions. Something had to change.
With Mediaflux’s Universal Data System, clustered storage at scale becomes not just possible but seamless, eliminating the need for additional third-party services. Everything you need is built right in — no external databases or data management platforms required. Our cutting-edge technology smoothly integrates and manages diverse storage infrastructures, whether it's a single vendor system or an aggregated setup, providing unparalleled flexibility for organisations navigating complex data environments.
The Mediaflux Universal Data System empowers enterprises, enabling them to bypass third-party storage file systems and freeing them so they can construct storage ecosystems tailored to their specific needs. Being able to freely choose storage vendors and eliminate additional vendor costs yields significant cost reductions for our customers.
The Universal Data System isn’t just about scalable storage, it’s about managing data across its entire lifecycle. From acquisition, to cataloguing, transformation, dissemination, preservation, and storage, everything can be managed within a single system, both on premises, or in the cloud. This approach ensures data remains accessible, useable, and valuable well into the future.
Mediaflux licensing and costing isn’t based on the amount of data stored. We allow organisations a way to affordably scale their storage to hundreds of petabytes if needed. Scale to hundreds of billions of files freely without worrying about the cost.
Our wholistic approach combines data management, data orchestration, and data storage within one system. This allows customers to easily access, manage, and utilise data assets more effectively to accelerate decision-making and innovation.
For more information on how the Mediaflux Universal Data System revolutionises data management, download the materials below.
The network interconnect for globally managed data at massive scales
Forget backup as you know it.
The only comprehensive metadata database. Capture at any scale.
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